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Counter-Racist White Person
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 10:24 am    Post subject: Counter-Racist White Person Reply with quote

Observed Phenomenon:

People who say they are white who enter discussions with non-white people on replacing the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice.


The premise is when it comes to replacing white supremacy (racism) with justice white people will not and cannot. This is not the function of a white person in a SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism).

THE LOGIC is that at any time, of his or her own choosing, a white person can decide to replace the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice without coming in contact with any non-white people.


These experiments are designed to demonstrate the hypothesis and illustrate to non-white people that the work starts and ends with you. No more back and forth with white people, no more battle of facts with white people, and no more thinking that white people will help you to replace the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice. The utility of the experiments can be seen in their applications.

(1) Ask white people if they are interested in replacing white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice and give the counter-racist definition, or one of your own, to the white person(s) you're talking with.

Also ask white people to tell you, in great detail, the mechanics (how) for replacing white supremacy (racism) with justice.

NOTE: Stay away from long drawn out conversations with white people. Stay away from thinking you are telling a white person something they didn't know. This, most likely, stems from low self-esteem, where non-white people think if they can prove themselves as people they will be treated as such...in a SYSTEM where the only people that count are the white supremacists (racists) themselves.

(2) Impose at any time and/or in any place that you can, censorship of white people. Attempt to force white people to think, speak, and/or act to promote justice and correctness in all places and at all times.

NOTE: This is highly unlikely in a SYSTEM where white people collectively are in a supreme position. Non-white people, however, need to see the result of this part of the experiment so they will understand how to act accordingly...what to try and what not to try.

(3) Threaten white people with harm by non-white people as a result of not promoting justice and correctness in all places and at all times.

NOTE: This will cause the white person(s) being harmed to function as white supremacists (racists) in their second category of direct violence. Generally white people will not play a game of tossing threats back and forth with non-white people. When you, as a non-white person, make a threat against a white person you'd better have a means of backing that up in a SYSTEM where white people are more POWERFUL than non-white people collectively, even though there are only a fraction of white people on the planet in comparison to non-white people.

(4) Ask the white person if they will participate in promoting a SYSTEM where it is guaranteed no person is mistreated and also guaranteed the person that needs help the most gets the most help (justice).

THE LOGIC is that if a white person, in a SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) is not participating in promoting a SYSTEM where it is guaranteed no person is mistreated and also guaranteed the person that needs help the most gets the most help, they are participating in practicing white supremacy (racism). Most white people know this.

I use a definition of "promote" to mean "following a logical process".

Once the white person answers "YES" to your question, whenever that white person makes a statement or does something that is not logical in terms of producing justice ask the white person:

How are you promoting a SYSTEM where it is guaranteed no person is mistreated and also guaranteed the person that needs help the most gets the most help by saying what you just said?


How are you promoting a SYSTEM where it is guaranteed no person is mistreated and also guaranteed the person that needs help the most gets the most help by doing what you just did?

NOTE: You'll notice the answer the white person gives you is not logical if they are lying to non-white people, withholding constructive information from non-white people, and/or saying or doing anything that does not directly involve promoting justice and correctness in all places and at all times. There is a list of these things noted here:

How White People Counter Racism (White Supremacy)

(5) Ask the white person if they will accept and use counter-racist definitions of words at all times and in all places.

NOTE: I have noticed that this is very difficult for white people to do. I suspect because the more counter-racist definitions of words that are used the faster the white person reaches their perspective Saturation Point. This is the equivilent to a computer receiving conflicting instructions...sometimes it freezes, sometimes it runs a 100% processor (brain/computer) utilization, etc. Usually the white person reverts back to using words and/or terms that help to promote the current supreme SYSTEM of injustice known as white supremacy (racism).

Logically speaking, if any person, white or non-white, is going to participate in replacing the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice the person is going to have to accept and use counter-racist definitions of words.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?

Last edited by Edward Williams on Wed May 05, 2004 3:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very interesting project VGOD

(he's got experiments running inside of other experiments...deep ain't it?)

Check out this part of the experiment:

(2) Impose at any time and/or in any place that you can, censorship of white people. Attempt to force white people to think, speak, and/or act to promote justice and correctness in all places and at all times.

OK, now check out his hypothesis:

The premise is when it comes to replacing white supremacy (racism) with justice white people will not and cannot. This is not the function of a white person in a SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism).

This is exactly what I saw HighHouse doing.

A friend of mine had this experience with Tim Wise.

Tim Wise is a White person who writes and gives "anti racism" lectures (if you do a search Im sure you will find some of his material)

He has read the UICCSC code book, , He has watched Neely Fuller give presentations...

Anyway, at one such presentation my friend walk up to him with the code book and asked him If the counter racism code is the best way for Black people to end the system of racism White supremacy.

Tim Wise said "No".

My friend said: "Why not?"

Tim Wise said: "it won't work"

My friend said: "Why?"

Tim Wise said: "It just won't work"

My friend say: "Why won't it work?"

Tim wise said: "Its too much to ask a blak to do all that *stuff*"

My friend said: (opening the code book to the place at every chapter that states they are only suggestions) "but their only sugges...(Wise cuts him off)

Tim Wise: "I know, I know!, but still it won't work because the concept is too hard for blaxx to follow"

My friend: "Im following it right now (pause...dead air) If this won't work, what do you suggest is a better way?"

At this point he made an excuse to leave.

My friend said what Wise was really saying is that he HOPES it won't work; not that it CAN"T work.

This brings me right back to VGODS hypothesis regarding a "counter racist White person:

The premise is when it comes to replacing white supremacy (racism) with justice white people will not and cannot. This is not the function of a white person in a SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism).

THE LOGIC is that at any time, of his or her own choosing, a white person can decide to replace the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice without coming in contact with any non-white people.

Im working on the experiment which I will post under its own heading.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Funny, I coulda sworn I told you guys why it wouldn't work, but it was deleted.

To summarize for those who didn't read it, it's not because it's too much to ask of black people, it's because codes and special vocabulary creates a rift between whites and blacks. Not to mention that most whites probably think that racism is a small problem, and there is currently a pretty good system for dispensing justice in this country.
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 8:34 pm    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

HighHouse wrote:
V_God, please stop deleting other peoples posts. It's just immature.

This is a work/study project for strategies and techniques for replacing the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice. Each forum has specific criteria for posting. When a post does not follow the specified format it will be deleted. This is not a place for white people and non-white people to talk about the validity of a SYSTEM of mistreatment for non-white people.

I suggest reading all of the announcements in each forum before posting. It was hypothesized that name-calling from people who said they are white would soon manifest when posts that do not foillow the specified format are being deleted. It is calculable.

Eventually I suspect a white person will threaten a non-white person's life. That is calculable as well. When it comes, if it is me, I'm ready.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

it's not because it's too much to ask of black people, it's because codes and special vocabulary creates a rift between whites and blacks.
--cone head

Cone head,

By "rift" do you mean race/racism?

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haha, and what are you prepared to do if you're threatened?
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 7:50 am    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

HighHouse wrote:
Haha, and what are you prepared to do if you're threatened?

Maximum-Emergency Compensatory Justice.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't mean to be an ass V_God, but what does that mean?
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

HighHouse wrote:
I don't mean to be an ass V_God, but what does that mean?

Maximum-Emergency Compensatory Justice
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So you would use MECJ to kill both the racist and yourself?
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

HighHouse wrote:
So you would use MECJ to kill both the racist and yourself?

The objective of MECJ is for a non-white person to eliminate as many white people he or she suspects as practicing white supremacy (racism) and then kill themselves.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That sounds extremely psychotic and dangerous.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:47 am    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

Josh wrote:

Cone head,

By "rift" do you mean race/racism?


No, racism implies that it was caused by a dislike or hate for another's race. In this case it would be caused by the vocabulary you use. People would think you're crazy, irrational, and that you don't make any sense.

Seriously, how would you react if someone went around asking you if you were the exact color of a crayon? It doesn't matter what race you are, people are gonna think that's pretty odd.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 6:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree.

The things you can get away asking on the internet would make you be laughed at in the real world.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:43 pm    Post subject: "system integrity" Reply with quote

Most of you have no doubt read the counter racist science project VGOD posted title COUNTER RACIST WHITE PERSON.

This is a part I found of particular interest:

THE LOGIC is that at any time, of his or her own choosing, a white person can decide to replace the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice without coming in contact with any non-white people.

I think the revelations of spying by former member of Tony Blair's cabinet Clare short are an example of this peice of code. Clare Short who is STILL A MEMBER OF PARLIMENT held a press conference where she:

told a BBC radio interviewer on Thursday morning that transcripts of Mr. Annan's private conversations circulated last year among Mr. Blair's cabinet members.

"I read some of the transcripts of the accounts of his conversations," she said, asserting that Mr. Annan's office had been bugged. "These things are done, and in the case of Kofi's office, it's been done for some time."


She said she was so certain of the surveillance that she recalled "having conversations with Kofi in the run-up to war, thinking, `Oh dear, there will be a transcript of this and people will see what he and I are saying.' "

Now before you go out and hug the nearest White woman, think about what she just said: she recalled "having conversations with Kofi in the run-up to war, thinking, `Oh dear, there will be a transcript of this and people will see what he and I are saying.' " did she share her concern with Kofi? I strongly suspect Kofi found out the same way you and I found out...THROUGH A PRESS CONFERENCE. She knew all the time that Kofi Annans discussions were being monitored; but did she tell him?

Based on the way Kofi Annan talks, I suspect he suspected White people were monitoring all his conversations anyway; ya'll ever here him talk?

Josh: "Hey Kofi, theres smoke billowing out of your house!"

Kofi Annan: " Fire is one of the most lethal forms of combustion, the 1999 fire protocal in conjuction with the previous agreements regardings burning, fire, smoke and ash is clear; fire is a destructive force ( his house is completely consumed at this point) that serves to remind us of the importance of fire fighting equipment...

Josh: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Kofi continues : "United Nations security council resolution #164-675-987-735-52-&^%)_$$$#@_657-4678-333, calls on all parties to condem all fires...bla bla bla....

In other words, he knows how to talk without really saying anything that White people are forced to respond to (he's also "married" to a White woman)

Clare Short is not the first White woman to reveal truth, check this out:

The revelation of espionage came a day after Mr. Blair's government declined to prosecute a 29-year-old government linguist, Katharine Gun, who admitted leaking details of another bugging operation, also targeted at the United Nations, during the war debate last year. In her comments, Ms. Short drew no connection between the bugging of Mr. Annan's office and the surveillance that had been undertaken in the Gun case.
Ms. Gun worked for the intelligence agency known as General Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, which intercepts and decodes communications. She said she had been "shocked" when she received a copy of a top secret message from the United States National Security Agency requesting British assistance in conducting electronic surveillance against the diplomats of swing nations - Angola, Cameroon, Guinea, Chile, Mexico and Pakistan - whose votes were critical to passing a war resolution.
She leaked the message to The London Observer and turned herself in for arrest.
Ms. Gun's lawyers were preparing a defense that she felt it was necessary to expose what she believed was espionage activity that fell outside international law. As part of that strategy, they were going to insist on seeing the full private assessment of Lord Goldsmith, the attorney general, on whether Britain could go to war without specific authorization from the Security Council.

"against the diplomats of swing nations - Angola, Cameroon, Guinea, Chile, Mexico and Pakistan"

uh huh, Ms. Gun was supposed to "go along with the program" (racism White supremacy); what happened?

This whole incident, the whole war...the whole world...the whole universe is about White people "spying" on non white people and withholding information from them...

sounds like racism White supremacy to me.

Even the secretary General of the United Nations gets treated like a nigger.

(((shakin my head)))

So what happened to Ms. Gun?

Nothing, charges were mysteriously dropped.


Because when a White person attacks a White person the integrity of the system of racism White supremacy is stressed, squeeze em too hard and all kinds of puss may come out...who knows what these White women may say.


How many Black people did these White woman discuss these revelations with before deciding to reveal them?


ergo VGODs counter racism science project:

THE LOGIC is that at any time, of his or her own choosing, a white person can decide to replace the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) with a SYSTEM of justice without coming in contact with any non-white people.

The utility of this peice of counter racism code is that it minimizes all the unecessary "back and forth" between VORs and White people who claim they are "counter racist". White people have all the information they need to RWSWJ; the question is,

do they have the will?

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