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Edward Williams
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Joined: 12 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:57 pm    Post subject: Re: Wealth Reply with quote

Jaime Sanchez wrote:
I participate in a blog that is hosted by our local news paper The Santa Cruz Sentinel. The most recent topic started off as a discussion of aptitude tests for students.

One of the participants said, 'Well, if we suppose that the only purpose of being smart is to get rich, then persons who increase their wealth must be smarter. Now, all we need to do is measure wealth...'

So I asked, 'Smarter at what?'

And he responded, 'Smarter at acquiring wealth'.

So I asked, 'What is your definition of wealth?'

Then I came to the counter-racism forum to see if a compensatory definition for the word 'wealth' had been proposed.

So my question is: What is the compensatory definition of 'wealth'?

I don't know but I suspect it doesn't really exist in a SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) if it is really worth anything at all.

There is a counter-racism science experiment you can run that is designed to help you find out the best definition for any word. The name of the experiment is The Best Word To Use.

I usually find every definition of a word I can find and think about what I see when the word is used. I then experiment with the word in use with other people to get an understanding if I can see what I'm looking at. Usually this takes place in the process of running a counter-racism science experiment.

Finding out the best definition of a word and using that word with that definition in an experiment that reveals truth about how the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) works and/or helps to solve a problem without producing more problems...that is really what Using Words Correctly is all about.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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