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3rd Annual Counter-Racism Science Project Competition

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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:46 am    Post subject: 3rd Annual Counter-Racism Science Project Competition Reply with quote

Advanced Notice!

The Counter-Racism Science Project Competition will begin accepting submissions to its annual code writing competition October 15, 2005 and cease accepting submissions on December 25, 2005. We are running the competition an extra month this year, for a total of two months, by popular demand. The winner of the code writing competition will be announced on December 31, 2005 and will receive

Submissions will only be accepted in Microsoft Word (.DOC) or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format and your document will only be uploadable to this website on the Counter-Racism Projects page. Sorry, no e-mail submissions.

All questions concerning document structure, including formatting, required elements, scientific process, etc., will only be answered in this forum under this thread where everyone will get the benefit of having your questions answered and/or reading the answers of questions other people have asked. Failure to comply with instructions outlined for writing your Science Project will lead to disqualification. Sorry, no PM or e-mail questions answered.

The instructions for the annual Counter-Racism Science Project Competition will be available on the Counter-Racism Projects on or before September 18, 2005.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?

Last edited by Edward Williams on Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There has been a change in competition awarding. There will be a 2nd prize awarded this year as well!

2nd place will be $300.00 (US). The contributor wants to remain anonymous.

Isn't this exciting! Come on all you counter-racist scientists out there!

Let's replace white supremacy (racism) with justice!
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Counter-Racism Science Project Competition has begun!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

On the Counter-Racism Projects board is an explanation of the scientific method for persons inquiring about the 3rd annual competition. The following is an excerpt:


What is your goal?
What idea are you trying to test?
What is the scientific question you are trying to answer?


Explain how you think your project can demonstrate your purpose.
Make a prediction regarding the outcome of your experiment.
State the results you are predicting in measurable terms.

Should not lines 2 and 3 appearing under "Problem/Purpose" appear, instead, under "Hypothesis?"

Should not lines 1-3 appearing under "Hypothesis" appear, instead, under "Analysis?"
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:42 am    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

HelixHair wrote:
On the Counter-Racism Projects board is an explanation of the scientific method for persons inquiring about the 3rd annual competition. The following is an excerpt:


What is your goal?
What idea are you trying to test?
What is the scientific question you are trying to answer?


Explain how you think your project can demonstrate your purpose.
Make a prediction regarding the outcome of your experiment.
State the results you are predicting in measurable terms.

Should not lines 2 and 3 appearing under "Problem/Purpose" appear, instead, under "Hypothesis?"

Should not lines 1-3 appearing under "Hypothesis" appear, instead, under "Analysis?"

Yes, they could. There is a slight modification of the scientific method in that in its "application" the result is to explain "how to think about something" rather than "what to do about something". Revealing the racist logic is not enough when non-white people are so niggerized that we cannot connect the dots all the way to what to do about something and then bring ourselves to the point of actually doing it when it comes to countering racism (white supremacy) in a logical manner.

The result of this modification is supposed to allow the person running the experiment to reveal the racist logic in action and also allow the person running the experiment to counter racism (white supremacy) while in the process of running the experiment.

The "scientific method" works wonders for people that are able to think in a logical manner...like most white people can do. But when you've been trained to ignore logic, even to the point of your own distinction like people have been niggerized to the point of doing, you need more than that. Niggerized people need to be able to run an experiment and use speech and/or action to counter what the racist (white supremacists) are doing against them...while in the process of running the experiment. There are even extra points allotted for an experiment that helps to solve a problem in the competition.

I'm open to all suggestions that result in this effect. I appreciate you helping with this HelixHair. I know in the past you've been trying to explain to me what the "scientific method" is but I understand what the "scientific method" is...and it is not enough for us (non-white people). What I'm attempting to do is think light years ahead of that because non-white people need more than just to reveal what racist logic is. Non-white people need to be in the process of countering racism (white supremacy) without even knowing that is what they are doing. Let's face it...the vast majority of non-white people ain't gonna be able to follow THE LOGIC because to get them to the point of understanding what counter-racism is and how it works...and why use it...takes 20 years for some and 2 minutes for others and we cannot wait on everyone to come up to speed. Justice needs to be produced now. I suspect this is the reason the code book is written as suggestions for people to use right now. It appears Fuller understood this.

That is one of the reasons I built and run this competition. There is a lot of things I could spend the prize money on...I got bills too. I try to spend at least 50% of my time and 50% of my resources following a logical process for replacing racism (white supremacy) with justice. I want to get other non-white people involved in at least thinking about promoting justice...then saying things to promote justice...then doing things to promote justice. This method is supposed to have them do all three at the same time.

Right now I'm over that mark and I'm shooting for 100%. I suspect the racists (white supremacists) will get rid of me before I get to 100% and probably make it look like I killed myself. They have the ability to use direct violence for the purpose of promoting deceit.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right now I'm over that mark and I'm shooting for 100%. I suspect the racists (white supremacists) will get rid of me before I get to 100% and probably make it look like I killed myself. They have the ability to use direct violence for the purpose of promoting deceit.

I suspect this is why counter racist code suggests following the logic and not another nigger.

Its difficult to "kill" a concept.

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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There has been a change in competition awarding. There will be a 3rd prize awarded this year as well!

3rd place will be $100.00 (US). The contributor wants to remain anonymous.

Isn't this exciting! Come on all you counter-racist scientists out there!

Let's replace white supremacy (racism) with justice!
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

All participants to enter the 3rd Annual Counter-Racism Science Project Competition will receive a certificate for their entry. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners will also receive a cash award.

Thanks to all of the people who thought about participating but will not. Your time and energy helps to move us closer to a SYSTEM of justice.
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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Edward Williams
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The 3rd Annual Counter-Racist Science Project Competition is no longer
accepting entries. There were no entries into the 3rd Annual Counter- Racism
Science Project Competition this year. We look forward
to the 4th Annual Counter-Racist Science Project Competition
next year.

Thank you all for continuing to follow THE LOGIC to replace
the system of racism (white supremacy) with a system of justice.

Happy Countering Racism (White Supremacy)!
What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?
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